ielt coaching center in mumbai


IELTS is a standardized test specifically designed for non-native English speakers to check a candidate’s overall basic English comprehension. The examinees are assessed on different English language skills, including Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. The purpose of conducting such tests is to examine whether a candidate can bridge communication gaps in an English-speaking environment for a comfortable study and work life.

For the sole purpose of checking your English literacy, the candidates are scored on four sections, i.e., Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading. These four sections makeup for checking any language’s lingo and proficiency and IELTS is no exception to this rule.

  •  Listening:

This section checks your understanding and how well you grasp vocabulary, opinions, sentences spoken by a speaker.

  •  Reading: 

This section tests your sense of language, understandability, skimming through details, etc.

  •  Writing: 

Writing conveys your ideas, opinions, vocabulary skills, and grammatical details.

  • Speaking: 

Speaking indicates your clarity of ideas, analytical skills, communicating feedback and opinions.

The IELTS test is strategically divided into two types based on the “candidate’s purpose.”

1. IELTS Academic:

 IELTS Academic tests are only taken by candidates who aspire to apply for student programs in English-speaking countries like England, Canada, Australia, etc. This test is curated on and includes items that are solely based on “academics.” It is a gateway to your dream college in an English speaking country 

2. IELTS General Training: 

Candidates eligible for the IELTS General Training test include applying for schools and colleges, work, or wish to immigrate. As “self-explanatory,” this test will judge your English-speaking abilities in general everyday settings, e.g., social or professional settings, etc.

Both of the following tests consider testing all four spheres of comprehension, i.e., Listening, Writing, Speaking, Reading, etc., but the contents of the academic and general tests will differ accordingly.

In India, lakhs of students and the working population who wish to settle abroad take up the IELTS exam. As these tests require intense preparation and guidance propagated in the right direction, finding the Best IELTS coaching center in Mumbai becomes the need of the hour.

As there is an emergence of many International Languages Classes in Mumbaithere is a handful of quality providing Best English classes in Mumbai. Cambridge Institute emerges as a hub for quality English languages classes in Mumbai and Best IELTS coaching in Mumbai. Cambridge Institute has professional and years of experienced staff on board, provides courses at affordable prices as other IELTS classes in Mumbai fees. Preparation from our Institute will promise you to sky-rocket your career and future endeavors.