5 Most Important Grammar Rules in the Spanish Language
Grammar poses an integral part of the Spanish language. Mastering this language’s grammar would give you a deeper insight into Spanish. Here are a few grammar rules in the Spanish language that would be extremely helpful to you if you are learning Spanish.
A sentence formation structure is very flexible in the Spanish language. There are different ways through which you can form a sentence. You can interchange the subject and verb of a sentence and add an upright question mark at the end and reverse one at the beginning, e.g. , Es laura ballerina? (Is Laura a dancer?).
You can also add a question tag at the end of the college. For instance, Estuvistefueraayer. ¿No eras tú? (You were out yesterday. Weren’t you?
Now here comes the change! Spanish nouns can either be masculine or feminine. For instance, “la Isla” or “the island” is feminine. All the nouns are preceded by an article that changes according to gender.
In stark contrast to the English adjective rule, Adjectives come after the noun in the Spanish language. If you want to say a “blue shoe” in Spanish, it will become “Zapato Azul” (zapato= shoe, azul= blue). This is one of the most important grammar rules in Spanish; you must get hold of this.
Plural term
If you wish to change a word from singular to plural form, you will merely need to add an S in most of the cases, unless your word ends with a “Z” or a consonant.
Spanish adverbs are almost as same as English adverbs. You merely need to translate the English sentence, e.g. “please walk slowly” translates “to por favour caminadespacio”.
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